Are you getting a tax refund this year? If so, you may be spending a lot of time coming up with ideas on what you should spend it on. You could buy those new tires, or maybe the lawn needs reseeding. But how about treating yourself to something you’ve always wanted – something just for you?
You Have Several Options
Are you unhappy with the new wrinkles that have appeared lately? Or do you feel like sagging facial skin is making you look older than you really are?
A facelift might be the answer. A facelift is a surgical procedure that removes excess tissue and tightens the muscles and skin that remain. However, if you’re not quite ready for a facelift, you should know that there are other options. For instance, eyelid surgery requires less expense, hassle, and downtime than a facelift, but it can also make a big difference to how you look.
Or maybe, despite exercising and dieting for years, you still have those bits of fat that you just can’t seem to get rid of. A body contouring procedure such as a tummy tuck can help to get rid of that excess fat, but liposuction is another, less invasive choice to get rid of fat. If you only seem to have excess fat on the backs of your arms, there is a procedure just for this area.
Perhaps you didn’t get as much of a refund as you had hoped, or perhaps you aren’t ready for a surgical procedure – but you can still enjoy a treatment that will have you looking and feeling your best. Facial fillers can help to add volume while reducing fine lines and wrinkles; laser skin rejuvenation or microneedling can quickly and noninvasively give you clear, beautiful skin; and laser hair removal can make it so you don’t have to worry about shaving or waxing.
You’ve worked hard all year, and you deserve to treat yourself! Is there a procedure or treatment you’ve always dreamed of having? Now is the time! Contact Alfonso Barrera Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery. Call the office in Houston at (713) 468-5200 for an appointment today!
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