It can be very disappointing when you’ve paid a lot of money, invested a lot of time, and gone through a lot of trouble to have a cosmetic surgery procedure, only to be unhappy with the results for one reason or another. However, there is help available – revision surgery may be an option!
What Is Revision Surgery?
Perhaps certain complications came up during or after your surgery that made it hard for you to get the results you wanted, or maybe your previous plastic surgeon just plain didn’t deliver what you thought you’d be getting. Revision surgery to correct any issues must be done by an experienced revision surgeon, such as Dr. Barrera, as it can come with a new set of complications and requirements to consider.
You should take some time after your first surgery to decide if you really want revision surgery. The body takes time to heal, and it will change as you recover – swelling will go down and scarring will resolve. Having revision surgery too soon can lead to complications, and you may be more happy with your results after you’ve had more time to heal.
Here are some common reasons patients want revision surgery:
- Breast procedure issues. These can include scar tissue around a breast implant, uneven appearance of the breasts, or even dissatisfaction with implant size.
- Tummy tuck issues. You may feel like not enough fat was removed during your tummy tuck (resulting in a bulge around your waist), or maybe the tummy tuck scar is quite visible. Revision surgery can even be used to improve the appearance of the belly button, as a tummy tuck can often make the belly button look unattractive.
- Nose job issues. After your rhinoplasty procedure you may have poor nasal function, such as difficulty breathing, or your appearance might not be what you wanted.
Revision rhinoplasty can be very complicated, but it is an option in many cases. If you are unhappy with the results of a previous plastic surgery procedure, contact Alfonso Barrera Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery for a consultation! Revision plastic surgery may be a possibility. Call the Houston office at (713) 468-5200 today!
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